Çeviri 240724
Samsun Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti = Association for the Defense of the Rights of Samsun
” Kuvayı Milliye ” nin Doğru Yazılışı Hangisi?
- Kuvayı Milliye | ktb.gov.tr
- Kuvayi milliye | artnet.com
- Sadi Tekkesi Kuvay-i Milliye Müzesi | ktb.gov.tr
- Kuvâ-yi Milliye | wikipedia.org
- Sadi Tekkesi Kuvayi Milliye Müzesi | kulturportali.gov.tr
mantıka palas tourism samsun
Sadi Tekkesi Kuva-i Milliye Ruhu Müzesi
Sadi Tekke Kuva-i Milliye
Sadi Tekkesi Kuvay-i Milliye Müzesi
Kuva-i Milliye = National Forces
Sadi Tekkesi Kuva-i Milliye Ruhu Müzesi = Sadi Tekke and Museum of Kuva-i Milliye Spirit
Samsun Müdafaa-i Hukuk Society
Samsun Mudafaa-i Hukuk Society
(Samsun Society of Defenders of Law)
Association for the Defence of National Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia
anatolia and rumelia society of defenders of law
Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyetleri = Associations for Defence of National Rights
Anadolu ve Rumeli Müdâfaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti = Anatolia and Rumeli Committee for the Defence of Rights
Turkish struggle for independence (1918–22)
The league was actually a coalition of middle-class organizations, composed of town notables, ulama (men of religious learning), landlords, merchants, and petty government officials (many of whom were members of the Committee of Union and Progress, which was dissolved in 1918). In 1919 Mustafa Kemal (later Atatürk) arrived in Anatolia as inspector general of the 3rd Army and established contacts with the groups there. Mustafa Kemal resigned his post that July and persuaded the Association for the Defense of Rights of Eastern Anatolia to call a congress, which met in Erzurum July 23–August 7. At a second congress, in Sivas on September 4–11, the nationwide Association for the Defense of the Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia (Ottoman provinces in the Balkans) was formed, with a permanent representative committee under Mustafa Kemal.
Kaynak: britannica.com
Şehitler ve Gaziler Anı Evi
Martyrs and Veterans Memorial House
barrier-free life for disabled
unhindered life for disabled