Essential Grammar in Use
Kitap Hakkında Bilgi:
- Essential Grammar in Use with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Learners of English
- 4th Edition
- Grammar in Use is the world’s best selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, authored by Raymond Murphy, is the first choice for elementary level (A1 B1) learners and covers all the grammar required at this level. It is a self study book with simple explanations and lots of practice exercises, and has helped millions of people around the world to communicate in English. It is also trusted by teachers and can be used as a supplementary text in classrooms.
- Grammar in Use is the world’s best-selling grammar series for learners of English.
Kitap Hakkında Benim Yorumum ve Bildiklerim:
- Bu kitabın 3 seviyesi var
- Kırmızı kapaklı (Başlangıç Seviye)
- Lacivert kapaklı (Orta Seviye)
- Yeşil kapaklı (İleri Seviye)
Elimdeki Kitap Hakkında Bilgi:
- 318 Sayfa
- Kırmızı Kapaklı
- Dosya Bilgileri:
- Dosya Adı: by Raymond Murphy (Author) – Essential Grammar in Use with Answers 4th (2015, Cambridge University Press) –
- Uzantı: Portable Document File (.zip Uzantılı Winrar programıyla paketlenmiş, şifreli {ilk dört rakam ve sonrasında fetih son iki rakam})