9. Sayı’nın Projeler Sayfasına Bakımım
Samsun Şehir Kütüphanesi
- Samsun City Library
Samsun Büyükşehir Belediyesi
- Samsun Metropolitan Municipality
- Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital | www
- Başakşehir Pine and Sakura City Hospital
Yeni Nesil Örnek Kütüphane
- New Generation Exemplary Library
- Next Generation Exemplary Library
- excellent and providing a good example for people to follow
- Knight’s book, on the other hand, is exemplary middle-brow fiction.
Şehri vizyon projelerle geleceğe taşıyoruz. Samsun Büyükşehir Belediyesi olarak Türkiye’nin en etkin ve en büyük kütüphanelerinden birini Samsun’a kazandırıyoruz.
- We carry the city to the future with vision projects. As Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, we are bringing one of the most impressive and largest libraries in Türkiye to Samsun.
- We carry the city to the future with vision projects. As Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, we are bringing one of Türkiye’s most impressive and largest libraries to Samsun.
- impressive
- something that is impressive makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important etc
- prominent
- something that is prominent is large and sticks out
- The conference was attended by both government officials and prominent academics.
Avrupa’nın En İyi Kamu Binası Mimarisi Ödülü
- Europe’s Best Public Service Architecture Award
- – Best Public Service Architecture Turkey –
- Europe’s Best Public Building Architecture Award
- Europe’s Best Government Building Architecture Award
Total 10 Floors
- 10 Floors in Total
)) ” Zemin Kat ” İngilizce, orijinalindeki gibi Ground Floor mu yazılmalı ? Yoksa; EN Grammar “Ground floor” yazımı gerektiriyorsa, kurala mı uyulmalı?
- Bookcases
- Bookshelves
bookshelf vs bookcase
- 01
- A bookcase can be called a closed unit that encases books and is designed to sit on the floor whereas a bookshelf doesn’t have ecased ends and is often designed to hang on the wall. Bookcases are more traditional compared to bookshelves and are often installed as permanent fixtures in a house.
- 02
- A book shelf for me is a single flat surface on which books are stored. It is generally directly attached to the wall. A bookcase is a piece of furniture, which may be attached to a wall or standalone, containing a number of flat surfaces (shelves) on which books are stored.
Kütüphanede “Serbest Çalışma Alanları”
- library independent study room
- Individual Study Rooms
- study room in library
- Individual Study Spaces
- Corpus:
- Applicable to all study space reservations, except where otherwise noted. *
- Corpus:
Erişilebilir Çalışma Alanları
- Accessible Study Spaces *
Çalışma Alanları ve Çalışma Odaları İle İlgili Corpus, Önemli: www
multi-purpose vs multipurpose
Turkish Technology Team Foundation
Bilim Samsun
- 01
- Bilim Samsun
Teknofest’in Kalıcı İzleri
- Permanent Traces of Teknofest
- Permanent Traces of Teknofest
- 01
- 100 DENEYAP Technology Workshops in 81 provinces
Bilim ve teknoloji alanında hayallerine sınır koymayan, meraklı ve keşfetmeye açık çocukları bilimle buluşturuyoruz.
- We bring together science with children who are curious and open to discovery, who do not limit their dreams in the field of science and technology.
- We bring science together with children who do not set limits to their dreams in the field of science and technology, who are curious and open to discovery.
Bilim Samsun’da, soyut bilgileri somutlaştırarak öğrencilerin deneyim kazanmasını sağlayan 15 farklı deney düzeneğine sahip bir dünya keşif sergi alanı bulunuyor.
- Bilim Samsun has a world discovery exhibition area with 15 different experimental setups that enable students to gain experience by concretizing abstract information.
- Bilim Samsun has a world discovery exhibition area with 15 different experimental setups that enable students to gain experience by making abstract knowledge concrete.
Bilim Samsun bünyesinde aktif bir şekilde eğitim veren her biri 20 öğrenci kapasiteli 7 bilim atölyesinde 6-14 yaş grubundaki öğrenciler eğitim alıyor.
- Students in the 6-14 age group receive education in 7 science workshops, each with a capacity of 20 students, which provide active education within Bilim Samsun.
- Students in the 6-14 age group receive education in 7 science workshops, each with a capacity of 20 students, which actively provide education within Bilim Samsun.
Samsun Kent Park içinde hizmete açılan ve ilk günden itibaren öğrencilerin yoğun ilgi gösterdiği Bilim Samsun’da öğrenciler uygulamalı atölye eğitimlerine katılarak, deneyerek öğrenmenin mutluluğunu yaşıyor.
- At Bilim Samsun, which was opened in Samsun Kent Park and attracted great interest from students from the first day, students experience the joy of learning by trying by participating in practical workshop training.
- In Bilim Samsun, which was opened in Samsun Kent Park and attracted great interest from the first day, students are happy to learn by experimenting, by participating in applied workshop trainings.
Yeni Bir Soluk Noktası
- A New Breathing Point
- A New Breath of Fresh Air
- A New Breathing Space
- A New Breathing Spot
- A New Spot for Breathing Fresh Air
- A New Space for Breathing Fresh Air
- A New | Breathing Space
a breath of fresh air
- bir nefes temiz hava
- someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting
- someone or something that makes a situation feel new, different, and exciting
breath of fresh air
- New and refreshing, as in His arrival was like a breath of fresh air . This term transfers the idea of fresh air to a new approach or welcome arrival, and has largely replaced both the earlier breath of heaven and breath of spring , although the latter is still heard occasionally. [Mid-1800s]
a new place to breath
Atakum’a yeni bir yaşam alanı kazandırdık. Şehrin göbeğinde yer alan Kent Park; yeşil alanları, oyun grupları, yürüyüş yolları ve kafeteryası ile vatandaşların yeni soluk alma noktası oldu.
- We brought a new living space to Atakum. Kent Park, located in the heart of the city; It has become a new breathing point for citizens with its green areas, play groups, walking paths and cafeteria.
- We brought a new living space to Atakum. Located in the heart of the city, Kent Park has become a new breathing space for citizens with its green areas, playgrounds, walking paths and cafeteria.
Kent Park açıldığı günden bu yana 7’den 70’e herkesi ağırlıyor.
- Kent Park has been welcoming everyone from 7 to 70 since the day it opened.
- Kent Park has been welcoming everyone of all ages since the day it opened.
- Kent Park is welcoming everyone of all ages since the day it opened.
- Kent Park açıldığı günden bu yana her yaştan herkesi ağırlıyor.
present perfect or present continuous newspaper
Yürüyüş yapan vatandaşlar, cıvıl cıvıl oynayan çocuklar, çayını ve kahvesini yudumlayan gençler…
- Citizens walking, chirping children playing, young people sipping their tea and coffee…
- Citizens walking, children chirping and playing, young people sipping their tea and coffee….
chirping children
Samsun’u eğlence ve macera dolu bir oyun sahasına dönüştüren interaktif oyun alanları da sosyal etkileşime pozitif katkı sundu.
- Samsun’u eğlence ve macera dolu bir oyun sahasına dönüştüren interaktif oyun alanları da sosyal etkileşime pozitif katkı sunuyor.
- Interactive playgrounds, which transform Samsun into a playground full of fun and adventure, also make a positive contribution to social interaction.
- Interactive playgrounds that transform Samsun into a playground full of fun and adventure also contribute positively to social interaction.
Kent Park’ta, TEKNOFEST’in kalıcı izleri arasında yer alan Bilim Samsun da yer alıyor.
- Bilim Samsun, which is among the permanent traces of TEKNOFEST, is also located in Kent Park.
- Science Samsun, which is among the lasting traces of TEKNOFEST, is also located in Kent Park.