Çeviri Araçları
DÜZENSİZ LİSTE (Alfabetik Sıralayımlı):
- cambridge.org | Cambridge Dictionary
- capitalizemytitle.com
- deepl.com
- dictionary.com
- google.com
- grammarly.com
- ldoceonline.com | Longman Dictionary Online
- merriam-webster.com
- oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com | Oxford Dictionary
- seslisozluk.net
- sozluk.gov.tr
- stackexchange.com | English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts.
- vocabulary.com
- wiktionary.org
- wordhippo.com
- wordreference.com | forum.wordreference.com
- zargan.com
Newspaper Headlines/ Başlık Yazım Kuralları:
- about.com
- cambridge.org | Newspaper headlines
- cn.edu | Punctuating Titles Chart
- enago.com | Best Practices for Using Headline Case
- englishlessonsbrighton.co.uk | 8 grammar rules for writing newspaper headlines
- learn-english-today.com | How to use the words ‘who’, ‘whom’, ‘that’, ‘which’, ‘where’.
- libguides.com | How to Write a News Article: Headlines
- linkedin.com | How do you use numbers, questions, and power words to boost your headlines’ appeal?
- muni.cz | HEADLINES AND SUBHEADLINES IN NEWSPAPER REPORTING (Based on Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Articles in the Guardian)
- nau.edu | Treatment of titles
- oslis.org | How to Capitalize and Punctuate Titles
- purdue.edu | Associated Press Style
- quora.com | Do we use the definite article (“the”) in titles?
- reddit.com| Usage of to verb on a title
- semrush.com | 60+ Catchy Headline Examples to Inspire You in 2023
- teacherspayteachers.com | How to Write Titles Rules for Capitalization Underlining Quotation Marks
- velocitypartners.com | 7 tips for writing number-based headlines
- wccnet.edu | Writing Guide: Titles of Works
- weebly.com | Punctuating Titles
- wikipedia.org | Headline
- writingcooperative.com | 7 Tips for Using Numbers in Headlines