Derin İngilizce

Amisos Tabela

Amisos Antik Kenti

  • Ancient City of Amisos
  • Amisos Antique City
  • The Ancient City of Amisos
  • amisos city wikipedia
  • Αμισός

mezar: tomb vs grave (Amisos için: TOMB)

  • tomb vs grave
  • amisos mezarları
  • The terms are not really synonyms. A tomb is something that is built over a place where a body has been laid, or perhaps a room carved into rock in order to receive a body. A grave is the hole in the ground into which the body is placed.
  • 01


  • territory
  • The Latin root, territorium, “land around a town,” comes from terra, “earth or land.” Definitions of territorial. adjective. of or relating to a territory.
  • land around a town
  • territorium

locality = mevkii

  • Kurupelit locality

Toraman Tepe (Cedit)

  • toraman hill cedit




