capital letter after semicolon
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The semicolon is not a terminal mark of punctuation; therefore, it should not be followed by a capital letter unless the first word in the second clause ordinarily requires capitalization. However, usage concerning whether a capital letter should follow a colon is divided. w
I always seem to capitalize the first letter after a semi-colon, but I’ve also seen people keep it lower-case. Which is more correct?
- Example: ” He couldn’t watch the game; he was blind. ” or ” He couldn’t watch the game; He was blind. “
- It should be lowercase, unless of course the word after the semicolon always needs an initial capital (for example, because it’s a proper name).
- Because your second example uses a capital H after the semicolon, it suggests that you’re talking about God.
- Also, in your example, a colon might be a better choice than a semicolon. This is because the second part explains the first part, and a colon would then be most suited.
- w